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Frontend client

Create implementation and type files that exposes a client for a remote OpenAPI server, that uses fetch and can run in any browser.

To create a client for a remote OpenAPI API, you can use the following command:

$ platformatic client --frontend --language <language> --name <clientname>

where <language> can be either js or ts.

This will create two files clientname.js (or clientname.ts) and clientname-types.d.ts for types.

clientname by default is api


The implementation generated by the tool exports all the named operation found and a factory object.

Named operations

import { setBaseUrl, getMovies } from './api.js'

setBaseUrl('') // modifies the global `baseUrl` variable

const movies = await getMovies({})


The factory object is called build and can be used like this

import build from './api.js'

const client = build('')

const movies = await client.getMovies({})

You can use both named operations and the factory in the same file. They can work on different hosts, so the factory does not use the global setBaseUrl function.

Generated Code

The type file will look like this

export interface GetMoviesRequest {
'limit'?: number;
'offset'?: number;
// ... all other options

interface GetMoviesResponseOK {
'id': number;
'title': string;
export interface Api {
setBaseUrl(newUrl: string) : void;
getMovies(req: GetMoviesRequest): Promise<Array<GetMoviesResponseOK>>;
// ... all operations listed here

type PlatformaticFrontendClient = Omit<Api, 'setBaseUrl'>
export default function build(url: string): PlatformaticFrontendClient

The javascript implementation will look like this

let baseUrl = ''
/** @type {import('./api-types.d.ts').Api['setBaseUrl']} */
export const setBaseUrl = (newUrl) => { baseUrl = newUrl }

/** @type {import('./api-types.d.ts').Api['getMovies']} */
export const getMovies = async (request) => {
return await _getMovies(baseUrl, request)
async function _createMovie (url, request) {
const response = await fetch(`${url}/movies/`, {
body: JSON.stringify(request),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(await response.text())

return await response.json()

/** @type {import('./api-types.d.ts').Api['createMovie']} */
export const createMovie = async (request) => {
return await _createMovie(baseUrl, request)
// ...

export default function build (url) {
return {
getMovies: _getMovies.bind(url, ...arguments),
// ...

The typescript implementation will look like this

import type { Api } from './api-types'
import type * as Types from './api-types'

let baseUrl = ''
export const setBaseUrl = (newUrl: string) : void => { baseUrl = newUrl }

const _getMovies = async (url: string, request: Types.GetMoviesRequest) => {
const response = await fetch(`${url}/movies/?${new URLSearchParams(Object.entries(request || {})).toString()}`)

if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(await response.text())

return await response.json()

export const getMovies: Api['getMovies'] = async (request: Types.GetMoviesRequest) => {
return await _getMovies(baseUrl, request)
// ...
export default function build (url) {
return {
getMovies: _getMovies.bind(url, ...arguments),
// ...